When we designed our ezRewards loyalty program to thank our customers for being so amazing, we wanted to make both the experience of earning rewards, as well as the reward itself, as enjoyable (and rewarding!) as possible.
ezRewards truly are super easy to earn, and once you accumulate points, you can redeem them for things you really want. Like Amazon gift cards.
It’s simple. Once you create an ezCater account, you earn points for every dollar of food that you buy. The more you order, the more rewards you can earn. And we’ve built in a lot of ways for you to earn them. Here are some of the many ways to rack up ezRewards.
Order food for work
When you order food for work from ezCater, you earn at least 1 point for every $1 of food that you buy. $1 of food purchased = 100 ezRewards points. And there are no limits.
You can redeem points at any time, in any quantity, as a discount on an order. Once you accumulate 2500 (or more) points, you can start redeeming your points for Amazon gift cards. ezRewards expire one year after your last ezCater order was fulfilled.
ezCater does power ordering on some restaurant websites, and we don’t offer rewards for those orders, but if you order through ezCater, then you can start earning rewards.
Choose caterers that offer extra points
While many caterers on our platform offer the standard one point for each $1 spent, there are some restaurants and caterers that offer 2x or even 5x that amount.
How do you find those extra-rewarding restaurants? We make it easy by placing a badge on the selection page that says “5X rewards” or the amount of rewards you can earn over the standard amount.

Refer friends
Do you know a friend who orders a lot of catering? Another way to earn ezRewards is to refer friends. If you love using ezCater, (and earning rewards), chances are, your friends will too!
If you refer a friend, you get 1% back on what your friends spend with us (up to $250 worth of points each!). The more friends you refer, the more points you can earn.
Review the caterers and restaurants on ezCater
Did you have a great experience with one of our restaurant partners? Have a favorite menu item you’d like to recommend? Tell the world! You’ll earn 100 points for every review.
In other words—earn points for things you’re already doing anyway. If you have an ezCater account, you’re already automatically enrolled.*
Remember, there are no limits to how many rewards you can earn, so start earning! (Note, unredeemed rewards points expire one year after your last order is fulfilled, so stay active, and remember to redeem your points!)
Rather than go on and on about how great we think ezRewards is, we yield the floor to a few of our (very) happy customers:
“I cash out… around $800 each year in Amazon gift cards.”
– Michelle F., ezCater customer since 2016
“I hadn’t cashed in the Amazon card and we had like $300 on it. We were doing a holiday sponsorship of a family in need where they had a list of things they needed and we used that card to buy extra things for that family.”
– Virginia E., ezCater customer since 2019
“One other big perk about ezCater is the ezRewards. I redeem them for the Amazon gift cards pretty regularly. I put them towards fun items for the office. For example, we got a Ninja blender for the girls here that wanted to make smoothies. We bought a fish tank… yeah, we have a fish. So, little random things. I just turn the rewards into Amazon gift cards, and it adds up really fast.”
– Becca P., Office Manager
“I started because of the Amazon dollars, thinking maybe after using it a couple years I’ll get a hundred bucks or something like that. And then, once I started using it, I was like, ‘Whoah, I’m getting money quicker than I thought!’”
– Austin B., Sales Representative

So, what are you waiting for?
Have more questions? Learn more about the ezRewards program here. Or, you can call us at 1-800-488-1803. We’d be happy to get you started on the road to easy rewards – with ezRewards!
* Some restrictions apply. Please visit amazon.com/gc-legal and ezcater.com/ezrewards_terms_and_conditions for full details.