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Top Taco catering restaurants on ezCater

How to order taco catering with ezCater

Step 1

Find a Caterer

Browse Caterers, read reviews and see on-time delivery ratings

Step 2

Place Your Order

See top-ordered menu items, choose your food, and see your price per head.

Step 3

Take It Easy

We confirm details and track every order, so your food arrives as ordered and on time.

Reviews with the inside scoop on taco catering

BerryHill Baja Grill

Holly in Houston, TX
Great breakfast tacos! The coffee was hot and tasty.

The San Diego Taco Factory

Angela in Massillon, OH
Delicious! Delivery set up everything and was very friendly! Highly recommend.
We ordered the taco bar for our team and there was more than plenty of food for everyone! Churros were a hit!
Gabrielle in Santa Clara, CA
Delicious as always! Thank you for a great meal for the team!
Sarah in Los Angeles, CA
Authentic Mexican food! I would order from them again.
Cece in Foster City, CA

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Why should I use ezCater to find taco catering?

ezCater takes the guesswork out of finding the best taco catering in your area. When you search for catering options, you don't just get a list of restaurants. You get to see on-time delivery stats, minimum order fees, and reviews from previous customers. ezCater even has filters for restaurants with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, making it easier to find a restaurant that meets your needs.

Why taco catering is great for work events and parties

Delicious and versatile menu options

Tacos are one of the most versatile catering options available, making them a great fit for parties and work events. Planning a menu for a group of meat lovers? Offer tacos made with beef, chicken, and pork. If you've got a pescatarian on the team, try tacos made with fish or shrimp. Appeal to vegetarians and vegans with plenty of fresh vegetables and herbs. You may even be able to order taco shells made from riced cauliflower and other vegan ingredients.

Tacos also work well when you need to accommodate employees with dietary restrictions. Rice, beans, corn, and quinoa are naturally gluten-free, making them ideal for attendees who avoid gluten for health reasons. You may even be able to find a restaurant offering gluten-free tortillas. Employees with lactose intolerance can load up on meats, veggies, beans, and other nondairy ingredients, ensuring they have a delicious meal option that matches their dietary needs.

Interactive and engaging food experience

Taco bars and food trucks don't just provide food for events. They also create interactive, engaging experiences. Whether you're having a team retreat or celebrating a big milestone, there's something about creating custom flavor combinations that gets people excited. If you bring in a taco truck, it may even have colorful lights or upbeat fiesta music, taking your work event to the next level.

Hassle-free planning and execution

If you're looking for a hassle-free experience, you can't go wrong with taco catering for parties and work events. Taco stations are easy to set up, eliminating the need to worry about passing plates of food before they cool down.

What’s included in taco catering?

Taco catering services usually include several options for main ingredients, toppings, and condiments. Your preferred restaurant may even offer optional add-ons, such as Mexican corn, refried beans, queso, or rice seasoned with cilantro. With ezCater, you also have multiple serving options, such as taco trucks, live stations, and buffet-style service.

How do taco catering prices and packages vary?

Prices vary by restaurant, so start planning as early as possible. Depending on which restaurant you choose, you may be able to negotiate a custom price based on the number of people attending your event. Some restaurants prefer to stick with their listed prices, but others are open to negotiation.

If you have a limited budget, ask the restaurant rep if it's possible to create a tailored package that doesn't have quite as many options. For example, you may be able to save money by offering five taco toppings instead of seven. Compare several quotes to determine which restaurant offers the most customization options at the best price.

What type of events can benefit from taco catering?

Any event can benefit from taco catering, including company retreats and awards banquets. You can even order tacos for employees who go above and beyond, with no special event necessary.

How far in advance should I book taco catering for my party?

The lead time for booking taco catering for your party varies by restaurant — inquire with the restaurant directly to find out how far in advance catering should be booked.

Can taco catering accommodate dietary restrictions?

Absolutely. Attendees get to pick their own taco ingredients, making it easy to avoid animal products, gluten, lactose, and allergens. Your preferred restaurant may even be willing to offer vegan cheeses, gluten-free taco shells, lentils, black beans, tofu, and other ingredients to make Mexican food more appealing to employees with dietary restrictions.