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Give your team the kickstart they need in the morning with coffee catering. We have options to fuel your crowd here.

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Reviews with the inside scoop on coffee catering

Uno Due Go

Parita in Boston, MA
Coffee was on time and great! Thank you!

Cafe de Boston

Berenberg Capital in Boston, MA
A top place my company orders from. Wouldn't suggest anything else.
Really real customer service. Loved delivery guy and very nice.
Jennifer in Denver, CO
Love their breakfast! their set up was very as nice as well
enzamaria in New York, NY
First time using this cater and was very impressed with quality food
Kate in Medina, OH

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Perk up your office with coffee catering

Morning meetings are not exactly at the top of every employee’s list of favorite things, but coffee catering could be the key to motivating your team and brightening the mood — even on a Monday. From simple black coffees presented in preheated decanters to an extravagant coffee bar brimming with toppings galore, there are tons of ways to gift your team or esteemed guests with a tasty pick-me-up.

Having coffee catered in is less disruptive, too. No need to send an intern down to the local coffee shop or wait while half your team goes out in search of a cappuccino. Coffee catering is also helpful at corporate events, either instead of an open bar or in addition to alcoholic offerings. From holiday get-togethers to lunch-and-learns, there are numerous opportunities to put catered caffeine to good use.

Should I book food catering with coffee catering?

It depends on the event and what type of meal or service you have in mind. Some catering companies can tack on a simple coffee service, like a few pots of regular and decaf coffee, which would be the perfect complement to platters of bagels and cream cheese. But if you’re serving up bagged lunches at a conference center with its own cafe, paying for coffee catering may end up feeling redundant.

Remember, too, that it doesn’t always have to be a case of booking a food caterer that has coffee. You may be able to hire a coffee shop that caters primarily caffeinated beverages alongside lighter eats, such as pastries and tea sandwiches.

What kinds of coffee catering can I get?

There are two main types of coffee catering worth exploring.

- Individual coffees: If your guests are likely to be on the move or you want employees to be able to take their drinks to go, individual coffees are probably your best bet.

- A coffee bar: Coffee bars can be as simple or as extravagant as you want. Ask for a coffee cart stocked with syrups, straws, and cocoa and cinnamon powders. Or have someone on hand to prepare and dish out a broad range of cafe-style beverages, including hot chocolate, chai tea lattes, espresso, and herbal teas.

For full-service coffee beverages, you’ll need a way for waiters or other catering reps to make espresso and heat milk. If cold drinks like frappes or cold-brew coffee are on the list, be sure there is refrigeration and blenders on hand as well.

How much coffee should I order?

Generally speaking, a gallon of coffee is enough to serve 15-20 people. But the amount you need could change depending on how many of the people you’re expecting actually drink coffee, so it’s worth asking around.

Be sure to put together or approve a coffee catering menu that’s inclusive. There should be both caffeinated and non-caffeinated options on the list, and it doesn’t hurt to offer milk alternatives like oat and soy beverages. Consider what sweeteners you want to have on hand. Some people prefer white sugar or sugar in the raw. Others want low-calorie options like Splenda or monk fruit.

How was coffee discovered?

Legend has it that the power of coffee was first discovered centuries ago by an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi. He noticed his goats eating berries — later confirmed to be from a coffee tree — that made them so energetic they wouldn’t sleep. Kaldi shared his story with the abbot at a local monastery, who then made his own berry-infused drink to help him stay more alert during long hours of prayer. Word soon spread, and by the 15th century, coffee was a cultivated crop grown across the Arabian Peninsula.